Report Government Fraud, Waste, or Abuse

Do you have information on cases of government fraud, waste, or abuse?

Please leave your report(s) in the Comment box below.

3 replies on “Report Government Fraud, Waste, or Abuse”

Hello. I would like to report what I believe is abuse by the Bliss Highway District. I am tired of seeing the Bliss Highway District truck in places I don’t believe are Bliss highway zones. I have also seen the Bliss Highway truck parked at local restaurants. I believe this is an abuse and waste of government funds. If using a government vehicle to eat lunch is acceptable I would like to know. What really provoked me to report abuse of the Highway vehicle was what I observed today in Gooding. I observed Rick Patterson at Valley Country store utilizing the GOV to inquire about purchasing wood stove pellets. Not only should he be working and not in Gooding, I don’t believe the local office Has a pellet stove so he is there for personal business. Once done at Valley Country Store, he proceeded towards Wendell instead of Bliss. How long is his lunch hour? Why is he utilizing a GOV to conduct personal business? Is he on the clock while doing these personal errands ? What is wrong with him calling on the phone during his lunch hour instead of wasting time and fuel driving to Gooding and possibly Wendell with the GOV? This is not appropriate.

I have pictures of millions of board ft of Easily salvageable timber on the grizzly complex fire that is not even up for a timber sale, while right beside it, we are cutting green timber that the forest service assumed to be cull.. I haven’t figured out how to post them here but feel free to contact for them.

Please provide information on cases of government fraud, waste, or abuse here. Thank you.

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