Citizen Bill Ideas

Do you have an idea for a pro-freedom bill?

Please leave your suggestion(s) in the Comment box below.

39 replies on “Citizen Bill Ideas”

In light of 2022, 2023 WHO restrictonas on state and county sovereignty each county needs, with there sheriffs back up, to pass a county resolution that…………………. there shall be no more mandates restricting life, liberty, private property in Benewah County. ……………………
Wash. County, Idaho passed resolution 88 several years ago to pro-active protect Washington County against federal/state over reach.

Thank you for your inquiry. We are actively working to update the web site and to keep it up-to-date. We update the bill list (available at multiple times per week and we updated all the committee listings at the beginning of the session. We will publishing some new articles as well over the next several weeks.

I think we need a bill specifically allowing parents to opt their children out of state standardized testing. It should be a no brainer that I as a parent can refuse a test I disagree with, but many schools refuse to allow it. (Utah passed a similar law recently.)

All schools need ”opt in” contractual agreements…letting all the other fluff go bye bye when parents choose to focus only on reading writing and arithmetic. Should be several days a week free they dont even have to be in school unless its just for ”babysiting”, which is so much of why children are forced by necessity to attend these endoctrination centers.

I would like to see a bill that would force the Health Department and the Schools to ‘stand down’ on their wording on vaccines to the families.
This letter right here provided by the Health Department for school use intentionally leaves out the exemption option for parents its misleading and deceptive.
Each form sent out regarding immunization (vaccines) must include the following verbiage as reflected in the current Idaho code: 39-4802.
EXEMPTIONS. (1) Any minor child whose parent or guardian has submitted to school officials a certificate signed by a physician licensed by the state board of medicine stating that the physical condition of the child is such that all or any of the required immunizations would endanger the life or health of the child shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
(2) Any minor child whose parent or guardian has submitted a signed statement to school officials stating their objections on religious or other grounds shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.

I am a volunteer at the Idaho Prisons. We teach addition recovery. We work with Mexicans who speak very little English.
Recently, December 8, there was an article describing Idaho’s need for more prison space. Apparently we are going to need 1000 more beds by next year or so. This article detailed the need to build another prison or send our prisoners out of state.
My suggestion is that we send back to Mexico the men who are here illegally. Currently we keep them, educate them, house and feed them at our expense and THEN WE STILL RETURN THEM TO MEXICO!!!!!

Wonderful idea. Just think of all the tax dollars saved that could be of use elsewhere, not to mention the Prison space saved.

Freedom requires self discipline. That is the first consideration in writing bills and it must be kept front and center. Too many bills are reactive rather than pro-active. Instead of addressing a problem at the lowest level of government, a bill is proposed. Don’t like something? Propose a bill.

With that said, I subscribe to this philosophy: “Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and must accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. Our support of an individual’s right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices. No individual, group, or government may initiate force against any other individual, group, or government.”

I also think that the Preamble to the US Constitution sets out a balance that also requires self discipline. That balance is the balance between individual responsibility and pulling together as a group of individuals. I and we – there are boundaries. When we pull together we have a system designed with vertical and horizontal checks and balances. The vertical federal – state – local divisions also have boundaries.

Idaho currently requires a fiscal note. I’d like to add two more. We need a boundaries note. The boundaries note would require that each piece of legislation undergo a review to determine if the boundaries between governments are being eroded or breached. The second is a constitutional note. Each pending piece of legislation would have to undergo a review to make certain it aligns with the Federal and State Constitution. For example, data collection bills relate to the Fourth Amendment yet few citizens even consider how their Fourth Amendment rights might be compromised. A review of the 2018 proposed rules shows CFR springing up frequently. This means federal code is being inserted into state law. A constitutional note would reveal whether the Tenth Amendment is being violated before the bill hits the fast track.

Freedom requires self-discipline and it begins with each of us pulling back to study the State and Federal Constitutions to see the big picture. Including a boundaries note and a constitutional note in addition to the fiscal note is something to consider.

Currently County commissioners are required to live in the district that they represent, but voters outside of their district can vote for them. I’d like to make it so you can only vote for the commissioner in you specific district, keeping representation pure and making them more accountable and to their constituents.
I called the Secretary of State to get some information about this and Laurence Denny called me back after staff had a hard time understanding what I was asking them for—information on why we do it the way we do presently. He pointed me to a precedent in the education statutes 33-405 which is about qualifications for electors, and restricts them to voting for only those in their area.

I lifted the language and made it “germane” to what I’m looking for—Laurence thought it was a good idea, but may see some resistance by the counties. This would be an addition to title 34 Elections, or wherever it fits best.

Here it is:

QUALIFICATIONS OF ELECTORS FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Any person voting, or offering to vote, in any election for County Commissioner must be, at the time of the election eighteen (18) years of age and a United States citizen who has resided in this state and in the County at least thirty (30) days next preceding the election in which the elector desires to vote. In the case of election of Commissioner, the elector must be a resident of the same District as the candidate or candidate for Commissioner for whom the elector offers to vote for at least thirty (30) days next preceding the election in which the elector desires to vote.

Here is the current one in title 33
33-405. QUALIFICATIONS OF SCHOOL ELECTORS. Any person voting, or offering to vote, in any school election must be, at the time of the election eighteen (18) years of age and a United States citizen who has resided in this state and in the school district at least thirty (30) days next preceding the election in which the elector desires to vote. In the case of election of trustees, the elector must be a resident of the same trustee zone as the candidate or candidates for school district trustees for whom the elector offers to vote for at least thirty (30) days next preceding the election in which the elector desires to vote.
Registration requirements set forth in chapter 4, title 34, Idaho Code, shall be applicable to school elections. The elector may be required to furnish to the election official proof of residence, which proof shall be established by either an Idaho motor vehicle driver’s license or any other document definitely establishing the elector’s residence within the school district or trustee zone.

In light of the fact that no drug can cure any mental disorder and psychiatrists agree with this and Abram Hoffer has successfully cured many mental disorders with the use of inexpensive vitamins, etc.

Now be it resolved that the very first treatment of any mental disorder shall be by these inexpensive vitamins, etc. in their appropriate amounts and shall be administered by a qualified physician.

Be it resolved also that every care should be maintained to find the cause of any mental disorder whether it be from lack of vitamin D that causes depression, or lack of vitamin B3 and B12 which may cause Schizophrenia disorders or bad diet such that education is necessary or the excess of chemicals (such as lead, Aspartame, etc.) should be eliminated to ensure that proper treatment can be administered by a qualified physician to cure.

I disagree totally when State Government gets involved with a person’s health choices.. Next thing you know, you’ll be required to only eat Vegan, or only allowed to eat meat once a week. No Thanks.

Great start, but how about eliminating property tax period.

Property tax is slavery, and the main obstacle that stands between truly sustainable living.

We are not tenants on the land, we are owners. But as long as people enable property taxes (theft), I’m a tenant to the state, and what is mine is seized if I don’t pay them.

We should abolish this theft, by abolishing property taxes, for all. There are plenty of non-theft ways government can fund it’s operations, without parasitically laying claim to our property via taxes and violating our Right to property.

The 2012 version of the NDAA which normally just funds our military included two sections that have nothing to do with funding our military. They declare the entire world to be a “battlefield” and allow for the indefinite detention of anyone anywhere. Including American citizens on American soil without any proof at all which violates over half of our constitution and bill of rights which protect our God given rights. We have passed the restoring constitutional governance resolution in emmett, gem county, and Middleton. We have also presented the restoring constitutional governmance act at the state of idaho which passed print hearing and was shoved in a drawer after that, never getting a public hearing. This issue needs to be addressed and we have the legislation ready to go. Here is the article on one of the cities passing our legislation:

If you want to get the best outcomes, you have to look at the methods.
When it comes to public services, there are many ways we deliver them: government, nonprofits, companies, informal groups, etc.
The vast majority of public services are already provided by nonprofits, companies, and informal groups (who have to deliver better outcomes because they have to earn our money).
Yet most of our resources go to the government.
We Do Better is about helping communities find and direct their resources to those who are doing better.

The Universal Charitable Credit
The UCC is legislation fashioned after Arizona’s “Charitable Tax Credit” that allows taxpayers to direct up to five hundred of their tax dollars to any qualified nonprofit in their state.

2018 Idaho Gold and Silver Bill

I am contacting you today regarding a tax-neutral policy expected to be considered in the Local Government and Taxation committee, namely a bill which backs out precious metals “gains” and “losses” from calculation of a taxpayers’ Idaho taxable income.

This measure passed in the Idaho House last year (H 206) by a vote of 56-13, but it came over to the Senate at the very end of the session and was not heard. In the intervening months, Arizona’s governor signed a similar measure into law.

This precious metals legislation will be reintroduced in the 2018 session. And Chairman Dan Johnson has agreed to hold a hearing in his Senate committee should it pass the House before the final days of the session.

Here’s why we hope for your support…

The Framers of our nation affirmed that gold and silver are money. Indeed, Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution even stipulates that “No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

Although the monetary metals and dollars redeemable in gold and silver have been supplanted in recent decades by the Federal Reserve Note as America’s currency, an increasing number of Idaho citizens are realizing that holding gold and/or silver as a form of savings can help protect against the ongoing devaluation of this currency.

Under current law, a taxpayer who sells precious metals may end up with a capital “gain” in terms of Federal Reserve Notes. This capital “gain” is not necessarily a real gain, it’s often a nominal gain that results from the inflation created by the Federal Reserve and the attendant decline in the dollar’s purchasing power. Yet this nominal gain is taxed at the federal level – and, because Idaho uses federal adjusted gross income (AGI) as a starting point for Idaho income calculations, this nominal gain is taxed again by Idaho.

Policies that penalize precious metals ownership reduce the likelihood that Gem State citizens will take prudent steps to insulate themselves from the inflation and financial turmoil caused by the Federal Reserve.

Inflation is a regressive tax. The hardest hit are wage earners, savers, and pensioners on fixed incomes – as well as those who own few or no tangible assets.

Precious metals coins and bullion are currently exempt from Idaho’s sales tax. Neutralizing Idaho’s income tax treatment of the monetary metals removes the other major disincentive that stands against the ownership and use of the monetary metals.

As mentioned above, removing physical precious metals from the calculation of Idaho taxable income is a tax-neutral policy.

If this bill becomes law, taxpayers would back out precious metals gains (income) and losses from the calculations of their Idaho income – and therefore their taxable income could either decrease or increase Idaho tax revenue in any given year. That’s one reason why the fiscal note on the bill is very small.

On behalf of Idaho savers, wage earners, and all those who use gold and silver to insulate against the devastating effects of inflation across the state, we are asking you to vote YES on this bill.

Civil Forfeiture Bill
I have carefully read and discussed the civil forfeiture bill with several of my colleagues in Legislative District 1, including retired law enforcement. The bill will be reintroduced in the next legislative session. We strongly support and appreciate most of the bill. The protections listed to prevent abuse and violation of the due process clause under the 5th Amendment are right on target; however, the bill fails to address the other elephant in the room.

The other major concern about civil forfeiture is the public’s perception of a conflict of interest that asset forfeiture distributions create. I hope and request that you amend the bill to resolve this problem by making the state (or the county) general fund the recipient of all forfeited asset proceeds and property. The state or county can then determine where the forfeited proceeds and property are most needed using well established budgeting procedures.

The bill currently orders the proceeds or the property, if it can’t be sold, to go to the prosecutor’s office, the appropriate law enforcement agency, a drug and driving while under the influence donation fund, or a drug enforcement donation fund. The prosecutor, law enforcement, or a nebulous “donation fund” should neither be the beneficiary of stolen goods nor profit from the sale of criminal goods. There is an inherent conflict of interest to distribute criminal proceeds and stolen property to the offices responsible for the arrest and conviction. It is a perverse and immoral idea that doesn’t pass the smell test. Calling it a “donation fund” makes it even more suspect.

All other government agencies and departments, etc., are subject to the budgeting process by an overseeing elected body. Why award a bonus, over and above their annual budget, under the guise of “expenses,” “donations,” or “take custody.” All government offices would love free land, vehicle, or house; have their expenses paid; and have a donation made to their favorite charitable fund.

As you know, this is an emotional subject for law enforcement because we put them in a very awkward position. Under last year’s civil forfeiture bill this boondoggle is allowed to continue (the dollars involved must be substantial; my guess, it is in the millions), which means our law enforcement will continue to suffer public backlash and unnecessary suspicion (created by the legislature) concerning their true motives and the adverse fallout (public disgust) of benefiting from the ill-gotten goods of criminals.

We all love and support our sheriff and police and for that reason they will continue to have our support come budget time; and, I should add, that our position is not about doing away with civil forfeiture, if under due process protection, or in any way an attack on law enforcement. It is about trying to clean up the terrible abuse this law has created across our nation and the mistrust of profiting from forfeited illicit goods; thereby, this change, if adopted, will significantly enhance the stellar reputation and trust in Idaho law enforcement.

Let’s take this opportunity to dissolve the cloud of suspicion that hangs over the asset forfeiture concept in the mind of the public. Any hint of abuse or corruption would completely disappear, when we abolish the incentives, the enticements, and the enabling features in this bill.

As a retired military man ( U.S Army NCO) , and a Gold Star father who lost his son in Iraq,
Why don’t gold star family’s get a tax break? We are so few yet have paid so much ….would not cost the state much…

Modify Idaho Code Section 39 to allow local jurisdictions to exempt owner-builders from building code requirements.

Eliminate the March and August elections. This will save the counties money, and most people are unaware these election are happening so there is low voter turnout.

It is ridiculous that we have elections every three months.

Kathy, good news. Our Bonner County Clerk has lobbied the Idaho Secretary of State to do what you are asking. I asked him about it today and he said, “I’ve already lobbied our SOS for the same!! August and March elections are an enormous waste.”

I’ve also heard, but could not confirm with the county clerk that the school districts have a budgeting conflict with the primary (Jun) and general (Nov) election schedule. This could be why the obvious waste of taxpayer funds and low turnout has gone on so long. The education lobby is very powerful. The legislature would have to coordinate s with the school authorities to make some sort of change in their budgeting process.

I would like to work with someone to change Idaho Code Section 9-340C(1), the exemption from disclosure of personnel records for all public employees. As a retired chief of police, I am well aware of the reasoning behind the code; however, self policing without transparency doesn’t work. It didn’t work in the banking industry (as the 2008 crisis proved) and it isn’t working in government. I would like to see full release of personnel records. I would be happy to discuss this with anyone who is interested. There is a call to action for just this cause in the back of my book “Tarnishing of the Badge.” Thank you.

Seeing as AG Wasden is unwilling or considers him self and his department incapable of defending Idaho law (dully enacted) at the Supreme Court level, It would be appropriate to bring impeach charges per ID Constitution. His failing being demonstrated by his call for capitulation via H0250.

1) Enact legislation that only allows actual county real estate owners to vote on school levys
2) Provide property tax relief to waterfront property owners who pay for approved aquatic invasive species control and eradication.
3) Enact legislation to protect religious freedos for all business owners. The Right to Decline Services Bill
4) Enact legislation to provide state tax relief to any Idaho resdient who was former US military personel who is honirably discharged. Sliding scale: 10% relief ages 18-30; 15% relief 31-49; 20% relief 50-64; 25% 65 or older.
5) Term limits for all elected and appointed state employees

The Free American Tax Plan

The purpose of this plan is to eliminate any U.S. citizen paying taxes directly to the Federal government, but instead mandating that all taxes be collected by the state the individual resides in. In this manner the state government and its representatives will have a greater incentive in making sure the Federal government is limited in size and fiscally responsible. This will also give states greater independence from federal over reach. This will also allow the citizens of each state greater power to influence the Federal Government through State elections.

The proposal is simple. The States are to agree on a percentage of taxes to be collected from their citizens based on a budget proposal from the Federal government. This budget must be approved by a majority of states before any state is required to pay the funds asked for. The States will collect the taxes from the citizenry of the state and deposit the monies into the state coffers. The State will then pay the agreed amount to the Federal Government to fund the agreed upon budget.

A great Idea for ID

Kentucky State Senator Jared Carpenter has submitted a bill which would require the state’s students to pass a citizenship exam before graduating high school — the test similar to that taken by those looking to become naturalized citizens.

Students “would be given the opportunity to retake the test ‘as often as needed in order to pass,’ but would need to pass with a score of at least 60 percent,” reports.

Carpenter had filed a similar bill last year, but it went nowhere in the Democratic-majority House of Representatives.

If the bill passes, it would take effect the 2018-2019 school year.

It seems we already are set to do something regarding the naturalization test in the Idaho schools in order to pass. See the last part of this below.
Idaho Education statute 33-1602
(7) Starting with the 2016-2017 school year, all secondary pupils must show they have met the state civics and government standards for such instruction through the successful completion of the civics test or alternate path established by the local school district or charter school that shows the student has met the standards. Assessment of standards shall be included as part of the course at the secondary level. A school district or public charter school shall document on the pupil’s transcript that the pupil has passed the civics test pursuant to this subsection. The school district or governing body of the charter school may determine the method and manner in which to administer the civics test. A pupil may take the civics test, in whole or in part, at any time after enrolling in grade 7 and may repeat the test as often as necessary to pass the test. The applicability of this subsection to a pupil who receives special education services shall be governed by such pupil’s individualized education plan. For the purposes of this subsection, “civics test” means the one hundred (100) questions used by officers of the United States citizenship and immigration services as a basis for selecting the questions posed to applicants for naturalization, in order that the applicants can demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of United States history and the principles and form of United States government, as required by 8 U.S.C. section 1423. The state board of education may promulgate rules implementing the provisions of this subsection.

Put time limits on all bills to be read on the floor, or at least to be heard and debated in committee. Have consequences for not meeting the deadline.

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