
Happy Independence Day!

Ordained by God’s Grace – Purchased by Patriots’ Will – Protected by Veterans Blood

Happy Independence Day!

We have been given such a gift with the birth of this nation and our declaration of independence from tyranny. Through its 240+ year history, good has battled evil and won in order to maintain this great nation. … Read More


FULL VIDEO: 2018 Legislative Preview from Meridian, Idaho

(Can’t see the video? Click here.) … Read More


Rep. Priscilla for the People!

Rep. Giddings made a clear point today about how the Idaho Constitution requires reading a bill three times before being voted upon. The common practice of suspending the reading actually violates the Constitution—which we all swore to uphold.

We are proud of Rep. … Read More



Thursday February 23. 2017 marked a historic day for health freedom here in Idaho.  Idaho HB 91 was designed to further expand the Idaho immunization tracking system. The greatest concerns with this tracking system is the lack of privacy, security and the inability of parents to confirm their child’s private medical information is expunged when a family choose to opt out.   … Read More


Article V Convention: Risky Business

Today a bill was introduced in the Idaho Senate for Idaho to join a call for a Convention of the States. The U.S. Constitution provides for several ways to amend the Constitution. One is a convention of the states, where 2/3 of the states call a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution. … Read More


House Bill 65 (Shepherd) State Sovereignty Bill

HB65, a bill to provide a legal process to bring checks and balances to all Federal Government action that may be unconstitutional under Article 1 Section 8 has been printed and is in the State Affairs Committee!

— Rep. Heather Scott … Read More


Two Freedom Agenda Bills have passed the House Floor!

On February 2nd, HB 67 passed which will reduce Income Tax Rates and Corporate Income Tax Rates for Idaho citizens. House Bill 20 passed the floor on Tuesday of this week. This bill will reduce the Hybrid Vehicle Fees.

— Rep. … Read More


HB94 American and Idaho Laws for Idaho Courts (Redmond)

2-8-17 A bill to preserve our United States and Idaho Constitutional individual liberties and freedoms which are becoming eroded by the silent encroachment in our courts from foreign laws and legal doctrines was printed this week. … Read More


RS24941 would fix the residency restriction for permitless carry in Idaho

This bill advocates for removing the residency requirement from our permitless Constitutional carry law. Presently only law-abiding residents over age 21 are allowed to carry a handgun in Idaho city limits. Non-residents may carry concealed rifles/shotguns anywhere in Idaho, including city limits. … Read More